PerfectPixel - Google Chrome Plugin for Web-Developers
PerfectPixel - Google Chrome Plugin for Web-Developers
PerfectPixel - Google Chrome Plugin for Web-Developers
PerfectPixel - плагин под браузер Google Chrome для попиксельной (pixel perfect) верстки HTML-страниц.
Apple's WWDC 2015 to reveal future software -- and music service?
Apple's WWDC 2015 to reveal future software -- and music service?
Apple's WWDC 2015 to reveal future software -- and music service?
We're cloudy on the benefits of the PicoBrew Zymatic, especially for $2000.
Google I/O keynote. To check out, "Here's to your imagination," the opening video to the conference, visit Brought to you by Google Developers Live...
iPhone App Live Stream - Q&A; - Ask any Questions about iOS Apps Subscribe if you would like to see more live stream Q&A; events.
The tech giant may show off a new music-streaming service at its developer conference in June. Also: SodaStream's new machine adds bubbles to more than water, and code leaks for Google's ...
HOW TO GET PAID APPS FOR FREE: Please Tweet This Video: Verizon Bringing Voice Over LTE (VoLTE)
The physical web is all around us -- LazyWeb ep1
The physical web is all around us -- LazyWeb ep1
The physical web is all around us -- LazyWeb ep1
The LazyWeb Show is a recap of the past week’s current events on the web platform. This week: Microsoft shows off Project Spartan, Beacons by Blesh connect the physical world to your phone, React Native goes open source, a11y-wins.tumblr.com catalogs great accessibility, Polymer 0.8 hits the airwaves, and preload links get an intent to implemnt
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKjkfkAmzAg
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4A5ZXWTIlHw
• http://www.theverge.com/2015/3/31/8319169/project-spartan-new-browser-microsoft-hands-on
• http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2015/03/30/quot-project-spartan-quot-in-the-windows-technical-prev
Devfest Extended 2015 – GDG Belo Horizonte
Devfest Extended 2015 – GDG Belo Horizonte
Devfest Extended 2015 – GDG Belo Horizonte
Google Developers Group – Devfest Extended 2015 – GDG Belo Horizonte
Evento realizado em parceria com a UNA, onde aconteceram palestras com palestrantes de Belo Horizonte e do Rio de Janeiro.
Foram aproximadamente 100 participantes.
Um coffee break foi servido a tarde juntamente com uma ação da Red Bull.
Curtiu? Não perca os próximos eventos do GDG-BH, acesse http://www.gdgbh.org
Fotos por Gilberto Ferreira – http://gilbertoferreira.com/
How I: Build open platforms on Android
How I: Build open platforms on Android
How I: Build open platforms on Android
Awesome apps, sure, but what about awesome platforms? Enplug’s chief software architect shares how they deployed their SDK (and shares their gitHub sample) to build an open platform for digital signage on Android.
How I: is a video series where entrepreneurs share their tips, hacks, and lessons learned. Check out the full playlist at http://goo.gl/nCKr3G. Enplug is a member of our Launchpad program - learn more at http://g.co/launchpad.
Subscribe and follow the Google Developers Launchpad channel: http://goo.gl/vf6Ngg
Subscribe to the Google Developers channel at: http://goo.gl/mQyv5L
Polymer 0.8: First Look -- Polycasts #13
Polymer 0.8: First Look -- Polycasts #13
Polymer 0.8: First Look -- Polycasts #13
Polymer 0.8 has landed and with it come some major changes and performance improvements!
Demo source code
Polymer 0.8 documentation
Content elements with core-drawer-panel
Shady DOM explainer
Host selector documentation (and Shadow DOM CSS cheat sheet)
Scrolling at 60fps with c
How I: Use events to build DeadSocial's brand
How I: Use events to build DeadSocial's brand
How I: Use events to build DeadSocial's brand
Social from beyond the grave? Founder James Norris uses events like SXSW and local pop-up shops to get users, build his brand, and forge collaborations. Learn his six-step process, and check out his event ideas, in this video.
How I: is a video series where entrepreneurs share their tips, hacks, and lessons learned. Check out the full playlist at http://goo.gl/42KKTj and learn about this and other resources at http://g.co/launchpad.
Subscribe to the Google Developers channel at: http://goo.gl/mQyv5L
For more startup video content, subscribe to the Google Developers Launchpad channel at: http://goo.gl/vf6Ngg
Go global with Google Play
Go global with Google Play
Go global with Google Play
Go global with Google Play panel discussion, moderator Leon Zhao (利用Google Play走向国际市场,访谈谷歌员工,主持人赵伊江)
Subscribe to the Google Developers channel at: http://goo.gl/mQyv5L
For more Chinese video content, subscribe to the Google Developers Chinese Language channel at: http://goo.gl/Jghng9
在Google上营利 Brahim Elbouchikhi
在Google上营利 Brahim Elbouchikhi
在Google上营利 Brahim Elbouchikhi
Make money on Google Play, by Brahim Elbouchikhi (在Google Play上营利, 演讲者Brahim Elbouchikhi)
Subscribe to the Google Developers channel at: http://goo.gl/mQyv5L
For more Chinese video content, subscribe to the Google Developers Chinese Language channel at: http://goo.gl/Jghng9
如何成功地开发你的应用 Ellie Powers
如何成功地开发你的应用 Ellie Powers
如何成功地开发你的应用 Ellie Powers
Build your app for success, by Ellie Powers (如何成功地开发你地应用, 演讲者 Ellie Powers).
Subscribe to the Google Developers channel at: http://goo.gl/mQyv5L.
For more Chinese video content, subscribe to the Google Developers Chinese Language channel at: http://goo.gl/Jghng9
Android Support Library Overview
Android Support Library Overview
Android Support Library Overview
The Android Support Library includes the essential components you need to build a great app that works on the huge variety of Android devices. Follow Ian Lake through an overview of what is included in the Support Library and how it can help you build apps faster.
Learn more on the developer site: http://developer.android.com/tools/support-library/features.html
Subscribe to the Google Developers channel at: http://goo.gl/mQyv5L
Route 85: How Google does shadows on iOS
Route 85: How Google does shadows on iOS
Route 85: How Google does shadows on iOS
Shadows can be a great asset to your app, but they can also hurt performance if you're not careful. Find out how Google adds shadows to their iOS apps while keeping performance up with this great set of tricks.
Watch more Route85 videos at: http://goo.gl/7zCCDj
Subscribe to the Google Developers channel at: http://goo.gl/mQyv5L
Android iBeacon notification (Italian)
Android iBeacon notification (Italian)
Android iBeacon notification (Italian)
Guida per utilizzare gli iBeacon con Android: Matteo Gazzurelli ci mostra come creare un'applicazione che notifica quando si entra nel raggio di un particolare iBeacon, con tanto di supporto per Android Wear.
Tutti i video Google Developers Italia sono raccolti nella playlist http://goo.gl/nPA2dm
Layout Editor (Ep 3, Android Studio)
Layout Editor (Ep 3, Android Studio)
Layout Editor (Ep 3, Android Studio)
The difference between a text editor and an IDE is all in the tools that support your development flow. Android Studio includes a rich, visual layout editor that helps developers create better user interfaces. It eliminates the need to deploy the APK on a real device with each change, making iterations faster and helping eliminate common errors earlier in the development process. In this video you will learn a few layout editing tips that every developer should know.
Watch all Android Studio videos at: http://goo.gl/SUqTzc
Subscribe to the Google Developers channel at: http://goo.gl/mQyv5L
Women Techmakers Summit 2015: Thank You featuring Natalie Villalobos
Women Techmakers Summit 2015: Thank You featuring Natalie Villalobos
Women Techmakers Summit 2015: Thank You featuring Natalie Villalobos
Meet industry leader Natalie Villalobos as she brings the 2015 Women Techmakers Mountain View Summit to a close.
Natalie Villalobos is Google's Women in Technology Advocate leading the Women Techmakers program.
You can learn more about Women Techmakers at WomenTechmakers.com and by visiting us on Twitter (@WomenTechmakers).
Subscribe and follow the Women Techmakers channel at: http://goo.gl/JE50Eb
Women Techmakers Summit 2015: Rapid Innovation
Women Techmakers Summit 2015: Rapid Innovation
Women Techmakers Summit 2015: Rapid Innovation
Meet industry leaders Nahid Alam, Kate Stirr, Kimberly Sheriff, Gabriella Levine, and Natalie Villalobos as they discuss the importance of rapid innovation with the 2015 Women Techmakers Mountain View Summit.
Nahid Alam is the Founder and CEO of litehouse.io
Kate Stirr is an Artist at the Exploratorium
Kimberly Sheriff is a Mechanical Engineer at Google
Gabriella Levine is a Hardware Engineer at Google
Natalie Villalobos is the Women in Technology Advocate at Google
You can learn more about Women Techmakers at WomenTechmakers.com and by visiting us on Twitter (@WomenTechmakers).
Subscribe and follow the Women Techmakers channel at: http://
Android for Work - App Configurations, Testing and Launchers
Android for Work - App Configurations, Testing and Launchers
Android for Work - App Configurations, Testing and Launchers
With Android for Work you can make your apps remotely configurable. In this episode we also cover how to test your app in a managed environment and have some tips for developer's of Homescreens/Launchers.
Watch all Android for Work episodes at: http://goo.gl/wlsIlP
Subscribe to the Google Developers channel at: http://goo.gl/mQyv5L
Launchpad Online: Getting started with Google Analytics
Launchpad Online: Getting started with Google Analytics
Launchpad Online: Getting started with Google Analytics
Are you using Analytics in your startup? Where else can you get info on where users come from, where they drop off your app or website, how long your pages take to load, and insights on what marketing efforts are effective? Developer Advocate Andy Granowitz walks you through what the tool has to offer.
Are you using Analytics in your startup? Where else can you get info on where users come from, where they drop off your app or website, how long your pages take to load, and insights on what marketing efforts are effective? Developer Advocate Andy Granowitz walks you through what the tool has to offer.
What is the Launchpad Online series? I
Launchpad Online: Customizing Google Analytics for your startup
Launchpad Online: Customizing Google Analytics for your startup
Launchpad Online: Customizing Google Analytics for your startup
Are you using Analytics in your startup? Where else can you get info on where users come from, where they drop off your app or website, how long your pages take to load, and insights on what marketing efforts are effective? Developer Advocate Andy Granowitz walks you through what the tool has to offer.
What is the Launchpad Online series? It's a set of videos geared to get you, your idea, your startup, or your enterprise onboard building with Google tools and APIs. See the full playlist at http://goo.gl/P9UZXx.
Subscribe to the Google Developers channel at: http://goo.gl/mQyv5L
Compressor Head - Behind the Scenes
Compressor Head - Behind the Scenes
Compressor Head - Behind the Scenes
Compressor Head is the playful, and informative source of knowledge around algorithmic compression. Join Google Developer Advocate Colt McAnlis and Director Brian Grady behind the scenes and learn about the magic and mania that makes Compressor Head tick.
For fun, history, jokes, and math - watch more Compressor Head at http://g.co/compressorhead
In Season 1 Colt leads us through Variable Length Codes, The LZ77 Compression Family and Markov Chains.
In Season 2 Colt schools you in The Burrows-Wheeler transform, Arithmetic Compression and Adaptive Statistical Encoding.
Subscribe to the Google Developers channel here: http://goo.gl/mQyv5L
Coffee with a Googler: Google Fit platform with Michelle Haq
Coffee with a Googler: Google Fit platform with Michelle Haq
Coffee with a Googler: Google Fit platform with Michelle Haq
We all need to be a little fitter, and in this episode of 'Coffee with a Googler', we meet with Michelle Haq, Product Manager of the Fit platform, to discuss what the Fit platform gives to developers. We learn about how the platform is being used by various developers, hear funny stories about how it was tested, and most importantly, how any developer can get started with building fitness apps -- no custom hardware required!
Watch all Coffee with a Googler episodes at: http://goo.gl/R61uPS
Subscribe to the Google Developers channel at: http://goo.gl/mQyv5L
Google Play Services 7.0
Google Play Services 7.0
Google Play Services 7.0
Google Play services 7.0 is here, enabling you to Build Better Apps! Magnus Hyttsten introduces the new release, where we've added the Places API, and made enhancements to Location and Google Fit. This release also makes it possible to remote control your Android TV through the new Nearby Connections API.
Watch the complete Google Play services playlist at: http://goo.gl/H7Oz3p
Women Techmakers presents Lakshya Sivaramakrishnan: My Journey with Technology
Women Techmakers presents Lakshya Sivaramakrishnan: My Journey with Technology
Women Techmakers presents Lakshya Sivaramakrishnan: My Journey with Technology
Lakshya completed her Masters from IIIT, Bangalore and has been working with GE Health care for 3 months. She is a part of Google Developer Group Bangalore and is one of the main organizers for Technology events.
Lakshya's G+ profile: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+LakshyaSivaramakrishnan/
Subscribe to the Women Techmakers channel at: http://goo.gl/JE50Eb